When you send an ecard to your friends or family, have you ever stopped to wonder about how much the card actually costs? You might think that sending ecards is free, but in reality there are certain fees associated with it. In this blog post, we'll discuss all of the elements related to pricing and show you how much ecards can cost so that you can make an informed decision next time you’re choosing a greeting card alternative.
What Are Electronic Greeting Cards
Electronic greeting cards, also known as e-cards or digital greeting cards, are digital versions of traditional paper greeting cards. They are created using web-based technologies such as HTML and Flash and can be sent to an individual recipient or group of recipients over the Internet. Although they originated in the late 1990s, electronic greeting cards have become increasingly popular in recent years, as they are convenient to send and often come with personalized messages. They also provide a great way for people to stay connected during special times of the year like birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, and other occasions. Electronic greeting cards can be sent through email or social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Additionally, websites devoted solely to creating and sending e-cards are becoming more common.
Why Is It Important To Write Personalized Messages?
Personalizing a message when sending an electronic greeting card is key to showing the recipient you care. Those personal touches, such as adding a heartfelt sentiment or including their name in the card, make all the difference in making it feel special and unique. Writing personalized messages also shows that you took the time to think of them and put some thought into it. Additionally, it helps to make the recipient feel seen, appreciated and valued - all of which are important for any meaningful relationship. Writing a personalized message can truly help to make an ecard unforgettable.
How Animated Ecards Can Enhance A Greeting
Animated ecards are becoming increasingly popular in the world of e-cards. These cards typically feature audio and video components that can be interactive, engaging, and fun. By adding animation to your electronic greeting card, you can make it even more memorable and special. Animations allow you to express yourself in ways that go beyond text and photos. Additionally, they can make the recipient feel like you went above and beyond to make your card stand out. Animated cards also help to make the experience of receiving an e-card more engaging for the recipient, as they can be filled with surprises that keep them guessing.
How To Send Best Free Ecards?
1. Visit a website that offers free eCards. There are many available online, ranging from simple designs to more elaborate 3D cards. Some popular websites include 123Greetings and American Greetings.
2. Select the type of card that you wish to send. Many sites offer cards for special occasions, such as birthdays and holidays, as well as just-for-fun designs. Just choose a card according to your special occasion.
3. Personalize your eCard by adding text or photos to it. Some websites allow you to customize the card's background and font colors, as well.
4. Enter the recipient's information and address, including their name and email address. You may also be able to add a personal message and send eCards.
5. You can schedule delivery for when you want the card to be sent. This can range from sending it immediately to scheduling it for a later date and time.
6. Preview the digital ecards and make any necessary changes before sending them. Once you're satisfied with your design, click the “Send” button to deliver your eCard to its recipient.
7. If desired, print cards for yourself as a keepsake! Most websites allow you to download and save the card as a PDF file to your computer.
Tips For Using Ecards
1. Choose an appropriate eCard for the occasion – Birthdays, weddings, graduations, and other occasions call for specific types of cards. Make sure you select one that will show your recipient how much you care.
2. Personalize it with a thoughtful message – A personalized message adds a special touch to any card. Be sure to include your own words that convey the emotions you want to express.
3. Add photos or video – Adding photos or videos of your special moments together can make an eCard even more meaningful and memorable for the recipient.
4. Send it off with a special address book – Don’t worry about searching for addresses each time you send an eCard. Create a special address book to store your contacts and their addresses so you can easily send cards in the future.
5. Send as many as you want – With electronic invitations and notes, there’s no need to be concerned about sending too many or running out of cards. You can send an unlimited number of cards to as many people as you want.
6. Try out different services – There are a variety of eCard services available, such as American Greetings, Paperless Post, Rifle Paper Co., Jacquie Lawson and Find Ecards that offer different features and design options for your cards. Experiment to find the perfect one for you.
7. Use your own text – You don’t have to use the pre-written messages on eCards. Write your own thoughtful message and make it more personal.
8. Send a preview before you hit “send” – Before you hit the send button, be sure to send yourself a preview of the card first. This will help you make sure it looks exactly the way you want it to.
9. Add a special touch with ornaments – If you’re sending an electronic holiday card, consider adding sparkly ornaments and other festive decorations to give your card an extra bit of holiday cheer.
10. Have fun – Most importantly, have fun when creating your eCards. Your recipient will be sure to appreciate the thought and effort you put into it.
These are just some of the tips for using ecards to send special greetings and messages to those you care about. With a bit of creativity and personalisation, you can create an eCard that is sure to put a smile on the face of your recipient!
Happy card sending!